Language and Cultural Comparison


In the previous funding period, a close and effective cooperation was developed between all five CENTRAL partners. Teachers and doctoral students at the Hungarian language departments of the participating universities were involved in the project.

This cooperation is now to be continued in two main directions:

1.     Doing functional-typological work and promoting the methodology and theory of language teaching already started in the previous funding period. The goal is now to create an expandable, multi-language online database built on a unified concept. Each chapter is a rich source for how a functional-discourse item operates in a language under concerned. Beyond the traditional components in language description, the semantic-lexical and pragmatic aspects are also included. This is the way how languages with different origin and typlogy will be accessible more easily, and the process of language learning, teaching and translation is facilitated and accelerated at the same time.

2.      Exploring the cultural roots of the region, analysing the connections and interactions
between cultures, describing the reception of Hungarian culture in the different countries: this will offer a broader perspective to the students through lively and continuous scientific
debate. Specific topics in this field will be the reception of contemporary writers in the
different countries and the image of the countries in contemporary and older literature.
Comparing translations connects the literary and cultural aspect with the functional discourse manifestations in the language.

  • Partners: Charles University (Prague), Eötvös Loránd University – ELTE (Budapest), Humboldt University Berlin, University of Warsaw, University of Vienna
  • Project Lead: Dr. Rita Hegedüs, Humboldt University Berlin
  • Year: 2019