WORKSHOP | Functional Translatology in Regional Contexts II (9-11 November 2022)
Literary Translation in Focus
Translating texts into other languages and/or Hungarian is part of the Hungarian studies curriculum of at all of CENTRALs partner universities.
These courses mainly serve to help with acquiring language skills but can also provide insights into translatological issues. We know from experience that students are very interested in translation courses: many undertake their own translation projects and can make good use of the skills they have acquired in their professional lives. However, within the framework of individual curricula, a cross-language translation-scientific approach is only marginally possible. To address this, this workshop is intended to present an extended range of courses. At the same time, it aims to contribute to raising participants' awareness of relevant language-typological, functional-linguistic, and cultural-scientific issues.
Preparations regarding the functional-linguistic aspects of the research project have been running since summer 2019. The project Comparative Functional Linguistics has been running with the participation of all CENTRAL partner institutes as well as other researchers. Its results will partly serve as the basis for the this workshop.
In November 2021, a three-day workshop called “Functional Translatology in Regional Contexts” took place in Berlin, with the participation of institutes dealing with Hungarian studies from all partner universities. The scientific and didactic goals of the workshop were to develop the foundational connection between functional linguistics and functional translation theories and to design teaching materials that can be used in language and translation classes at all partner universities. During the event and in the follow-up Zoom sessions, the basic structure and presentation principles of such teaching materials could be designed, but the content could only be processed to a limited extent. The coordinators thus intend to organize a second workshop in order to continue work on the content, to make necessary adjustments to the concept, and to start with the editorial work.
Contact person:
CENTRAL partners:
Assistant Professor Ferenc Vincze, PhD, University of Vienna
Prof. Dr. Csongor Lőrincz, Head of Department, Humboldt University of Berlin
Lecturer Judit Sereg, PhD, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Prof. Simona Kolmanová, PhD, Charles University
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash