Mapping the scenes
Mapping the scenes
Digital Humanities in Cultural Studies in Central and Central Eastern Europe
The project will provide an opportunity to map the digital research landscape in Cultural Studies and Cultural Heritage Studies in the various countries of Central and Central Eastern Europe, a task long overdue in this fragmented field. Scholars with expertise in digital humanities (DH) along with students in various phases of their training will reflect on the status of DH in their respective countries, projects of international relevance and share recent best practices in computational methods. By setting students and doctoral candidates in dialogue with each other and enabling collaborative work, the project encourages the emergence of new projects, in both teaching and in research, with a transnational and transdisciplinary scope. Secondly, the project will address the context of computational methods in Cultural Studies and Cultural Heritage Studies. These include historical reflection on how computer technology and digitalisation has challenged scholarship in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS), in-cluding but not limited to accessibility and research ethics. While potential access to data in-creased, a breakthrough is needed in research and, primarily, in teaching culture that would ena-ble scholars to make use of such possibilities in a digital environment where the abundance and fragmentation of information might easily be a drawback instead of an advantage. This requires a careful investigation of the newly emerging digital methods and their effects for analogue scholar-ship. The project will be a major step to coordinate cross-disciplinary research agendas aiming to understand the metahistory of digitalisation in Central Europe. Carrying over research results into tertiary education for the benefit of staff and students will make actual use of those practices.
Contact person:
Assistant professor Ondřej Daniel, PhD, Charles University, Prague
CENTRAL partners:
Dr. Dean Vuletic, Vienna University
Dr. Tamás Scheibner, Eötvös Loránd University Workshop participants
Dr. hab. Robert Kulmiński, Warsaw University Workshop participants
Elisaveta Dvorakk, Humboldt-University Berlin Workshop participant